Saturday, October 12, 2013

Photos from Make-a-Wish Exhibit

Photos from various visitors, including Xavier's brother Vincent.

Friday, October 4, 2013

James Kalm review on Xavier's show!

Thanks for stopping in James! 

"On his evening bike ride/gallery cruise, James Kalm popped into the OZANEAUX ART SPACE on West 20th Street, to view the debut opening of Xavier Lockett. Xavier, through the Make-A-Wish foundation, contacted Don Porcella, because his wish was to be a "pipe cleaner" artist. Make-A-Wish flew Xavier and his family up from Florida, and Don worked with him in his Bushwick Brooklyn studio exploring his artistic desire. 

A musical introduction is provided by Up Up We Go."

Review on Xavier Lockett Exhibition

Thanks Gail!

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Here is a Blurb:

Thursday night opening receptions in the Chelsea Gallery District are always a lot of fun for art fans, but last night the hottest exhibit on the Westside was Xavier Lockett and Don Porcella’s Dual Pipe Cleaner Art Exhibit atOzaneaux Artspace. This exhibit has an excellent back-story.
Xavier and Sculpture

Xavier and one of his Pipe Cleaner Sculptures

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  • 515 West 20th Street, # 5E, New York City, NY 10011